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About Jenn

After marrying my high-school sweetheart, I gave birth to my beautiful daughter at age 23.  I still regret not exploring the option of having a doula support me during my first birth.  Instead, I did everything my OBGYN recommended without question.  I was in a conventional hospital and the doctor gave me pitocin, an epidural, episiotomy, and a very stressfull environment.  Through it all, I was joyous to be a mom and to be welcomed into the world of motherhood.


With my second birth, I knew I didn't want to have the same experience I did at the hospital last time.  I immediately hired a doula.  She had an energy that was supportive, calming, and strengthening.  I knew I needed her to be with me when I was in labor.  She supported me through the entire pregnancy and I was physically and mentally well-prepared for my baby to arrive.  My son was born in 2010 in his home and it was a day that transformed me.


I have always been amazed by the miracle of birth.  I have a serving heart for pregnant moms and new moms.  I am excited to be certified by Childbirth International to continue my journey as a doula in the world of motherhood.

I believe a woman's body was designed to give birth.  It is a miracle.  I trust that with a supportive, knowledgeable and encouraging birth team, women can gracefully enter motherhood. 


Although I realize that medical intervention can be necessary, I educate my clients about holistic alternatives if they are open to it.

My Philosophy

Jenn's Birth Journey

After studying mathematics at Rutgers University, I decided I was more drawn to the healthcare industry.  I wanted to use my skills as a mathematician to help improve the well-being of people and the planet.  I decided to go to graduate school and study biomedical engineering on an IGERT grant.  After receiving my masters, I decided to work from home since I had small babies and I taught online math classes for Johns Hopkins University. While using holistic modalities to heal my children during all sorts of childhood illnesses, I have been studying Young Living therapeutic grade essential oils under certified clinical aromatherapist, Peggy DeArmond, and a wonderful group of holistic healers in the Young Living community.  I invite you to join me in continuing to learn about essential oils.  If you are interested, please contact me.  In November 2012, I decided to join my passions of learning about essential oils and caring for women who I feel I can help the most.  I decided to become a doula because I was called to it after the birth of my second baby.  I realize now that I have been on a path to do this work my entire life.

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